Concept: Summits and High Level Conferences  
Are these formats, the best way to bring opposites to the table and leave big decisions "at the door of the world"? 

In general terms,High Level Conferences and the Summitsbring together political decision makers and entities with an associative or institutional profile in sessions focused on citizens' lives, and it is very common that there is opposition in the interests of those taking part. However, this does not always symbolise divergence or a situation of discord between the parties involved (quite the opposite!). 

Whether it is about climate or deciding domains of state, the ultimate aspirations of these councils are thesharing of knowledge and opinion and the creation of a resolution to a real problem. A meeting that translates into agreements and treaties that follow the wishes of the majority of the parties present. 


In and of itself, matters that involve high ranking State figuresrepresent a major logistical challenge. Due to the social nature of the intervening parties,security scenarios must be more than ensured -in fact, the very sensitivity of the issuesrequires great care and secrecy. 

On the other hand, to respond to the rigour and guarantee success in the execution of the intended tasks,it is fundamental that the organising entity has the know-how and all the skillsto develop the meticulous schedules and work plans necessary to carry out the activities. 

Nevertheless, "listening" to an event of this stature is synonymous with public scrutiny...  

As these are civilian decisions, it is normal to have a lot of post-event "blustering" from outsiders. The high media hype behind this format creates high expectations or revolts with the solutions taken - such as the current talks between Ukraine and Russia 

Some High Level Meetings that have marked the world: 
Versailles (1919)- the renowned council that dictated the end of World War I with the Treaty of Versailles - a document that set the stage for Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party to rise to power. 
Brussels (1948)- where the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, NATO, was established - whose aim is to work on crisis management and establish mutual military assistance between members.   
New York(2015) -the year of the importantUnited Nations Sustainable Development Summit that established the 17Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and 169 concrete targets to be achieved by all countries in the world by 2030.
COP26- a recurrent meeting to strengthen the global response to the world's climate emergency and transition.

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Concept: Summits and High Level Conferences  
Are these formats, the best way to bring opposites to the table and leave big decisions "at the door of the world"? 

In general terms,High Level Conferences and the Summitsbring together political decision makers and entities with an associative or institutional profile in sessions focused on citizens' lives, and it is very common that there is opposition in the interests of those taking part. However, this does not always symbolise divergence or a situation of discord between the parties involved (quite the opposite!). 

Whether it is about climate or deciding domains of state, the ultimate aspirations of these councils are thesharing of knowledge and opinion and the creation of a resolution to a real problem. A meeting that translates into agreements and treaties that follow the wishes of the majority of the parties present. 


In and of itself, matters that involve high ranking State figuresrepresent a major logistical challenge. Due to the social nature of the intervening parties,security scenarios must be more than ensured -in fact, the very sensitivity of the issuesrequires great care and secrecy. 

On the other hand, to respond to the rigour and guarantee success in the execution of the intended tasks,it is fundamental that the organising entity has the know-how and all the skillsto develop the meticulous schedules and work plans necessary to carry out the activities. 

Nevertheless, "listening" to an event of this stature is synonymous with public scrutiny...  

As these are civilian decisions, it is normal to have a lot of post-event "blustering" from outsiders. The high media hype behind this format creates high expectations or revolts with the solutions taken - such as the current talks between Ukraine and Russia 

Some High Level Meetings that have marked the world: 
Versailles (1919)- the renowned council that dictated the end of World War I with the Treaty of Versailles - a document that set the stage for Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party to rise to power. 
Brussels (1948)- where the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, NATO, was established - whose aim is to work on crisis management and establish mutual military assistance between members.   
New York(2015) -the year of the importantUnited Nations Sustainable Development Summit that established the 17Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and 169 concrete targets to be achieved by all countries in the world by 2030.
COP26- a recurrent meeting to strengthen the global response to the world's climate emergency and transition.

Find out more about Leading's role at:  

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