Privacy Policies
  • The personal data collected (name, email*, company, position, country and any other data not specified here that is not billing data) will be used solely for registration on the Event form and for the management of the Event by Leading - Organização De Congressos E Gestão, Lda. after obtaining your prior and express consent.

  • Leading Organização de Congressos e Gestão, Lda, hereinafter Leading, with NIPC 507370678 and registered office at Rua Diogo Couto, 1B 2799-537 Linda-a-Velha, is responsible for the processing of the data.

  • The personal data "email" is mandatory so that we can send you relevant notifications related to the registration status, changes or other general useful information regarding the event, so without this data we will not be able to carry out your requests.

  • The remaining data (name, company, job title, country and any other unspecified data that is not billing data) allow us to personalise communication and carry out analytical analyses of the registered participants in order to tailor content and filter the sending of notifications.

  • Data relating to invoicing (name, entity, address, NIF, telephone and any other unspecified) will be used exclusively for accounting and financial procedures with regard to registration in the event.

  • The data in question will not be used for any other purpose and will be kept by Leading - Organização De Congressos E Gestão, Lda. for 2 years.

  • You may exercise your rights under the law (access, rectification, erasure, limitation, limitation, opposition, portability) by writing to the following email address leading@leading.pt or to the email address specified in the registration form, without prejudice to the right to lodge a complaint with the competent control authority.

  • When you send us your personal data, it will be protected by security protocols suitable for internet communications.

  • Leading - Organização De Congressos E Gestão, Lda will only communicate identified data to its service provider(s) for the purpose described.

  • When you send us your personal data, it is stored on a secure server with restricted access.

  • You may withdraw this consent at any time.

  • We will not use your data for other purposes without your express prior consent.

  • This event will be photographed and filmed, by registering you are accepting that the images may be used for promotion within the context of the event.

Meet our team
Calvin Holmes
Ellen Webb
Ivan Daniel
See all



Professionalism and competence
Quality and satisfaction of our customers
Innovation in solutions